Learn the truth about the question “Has social security been increased in Saudi Arabia 1442” and the most important decisions of the new social security and registration conditions, the Saudi Council of Ministers, in its weekly session held last Tuesday on the seventeenth of November 2020, headed by King Salman bin Abdulaziz, approved the implementation of the social security system The new 1442 AH, which is among many new decisions taken by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia at the present time to run the comprehensive plan for national transformation and development at various economic, social and other levels, as the Kingdom deliberately takes positive decisions that are in line with its implementation of its comprehensive vision for development 2030.

The decision came to approve the new social security system, which was on the weekly agenda of the cabinet session, which included a discussion of many important matters, after it was held virtually (electronically) remotely for the participation of many parties, most notably the Council for Political and Security Affairs, the Shura Council. Saudi Council of Economic Affairs, General Committee of the Saudi Council of Ministers, Council of Experts Council.

In order to issue approval for the implementation of the new social security system, which aims to provide assistance to the less needy groups, such as those who are unable to work, the elderly, supported families, orphans…. According to specific procedures and conditions.

In the following article, we review with you the most important decisions of the new social security 1442, the conditions for registration in the new social security, the new social security salary, and the executive regulations for the new social security, in the following lines of the information store website.

Social security

Social security is one of the forms of societal contribution provided by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to the neediest groups in the form of monthly financial assistance granted to social security beneficiaries through the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development (and the funds granted are from Zakat funds).

Benefiting from social security assistance is limited to Saudi citizens who are permanently residing in the Kingdom, and who meet the conditions for obtaining social security assistance.

The social security system benefits widows, orphans, the elderly, those unable to work, families without a breadwinner, abandoned by their husbands, those who lost their husbands by death or absence, foreign women married to a Saudi citizen or a Saudi widow who has children from them, as well as the children of a married Saudi widow. from a foreign man

Also benefiting from social security services are those who suffer from any disability that prevents them from working, widows orphans who do not have documents to prove their Saudi nationality and have transportation cards, according to the conditions of the Saudi Social Security Regulations.

Social security financial aid is provided according to two factors:

  • The first factor is concerned with the average financial income of the head of the family, which is evaluated according to the number of family members
  • The second factor that is related to the family’s lack of benefit from the lump-sum assistance guarantee for a longer period.

It is important to know that obtaining social security assistance is not related to the date of submitting the application for security assistance or the period related to the date of the application, since these two matters are not considered among the priorities of the considerations of disbursement of assistance.

However, the priority in obtaining social security assistance is not to apply for it early. Rather, social security assistance is provided to families that have not disbursed any cut aid for the previous 3 years. Those families will have priority in disbursing security aid to families that have disbursed cut aid of a year or two.

The lump-sum assistance is one of the forms of social security support, which is in the form of a lump sum money that is disbursed to families according to their special needs, after searching for their social conditions. Maximum 30 thousand Saudi riyals.

Conditions for registration in the new Social Security 1442

The conditions for receiving new social security benefits are set out as follows:

  • The person must be a Saudi citizen with permanent residence in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
  • Complete all papers, documents and requirements of the Ministry of Human Resources related to education, community service and health.
  • That the calculated income for the individual or the family is less than the calculated limit for the monthly pension.
  • The sums of lump-sum assistance are provided to families benefiting from social security with limited material income.
  • The applicant must have temporary disability, which hinders him from working.
  • The person applying for social security assistance must be at least 35 years old.
  • The new security assistance is provided to individuals whose monthly income is less than 3000 SAR.
  • The following categories are exempted from the requirement to prove Saudi nationality:
  • A non-Saudi woman married to a Saudi citizen.
  • Divorced and non-Saudi widows who have children with a Saudi man.
  • Children of a divorced and widowed Saudi woman married to a non-Saudi man.
  • Disabled persons, orphans, widows of orphaned children, who have a transportation card.

The regulation also defined the beneficiaries of the guarantee in three categories as follows:

  • Qualified beneficiary.
  • Unqualified beneficiary.
  • Beneficiary unable to work.

Implementing Regulations for the New Social Security System

According to the executive regulations of the new social security system, he is entitled to receive social security assistance for the following categories:

  • Orphaned children.
  • incapacitated to work.
  • Older people who have reached old age, whether male or female.
  • Unsupported families.
  • Women without breadwinners.

Registration in the new Social Security 1442

Those wishing to benefit from the financial aid provided through the new social security system can register their names through the following steps:

  • Entering the official website of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development on the Internet, which can be accessed directly by clicking on this link.
  • From the site’s home page, go to the list of services and click on the option (electronic services).
  • And choose the icon (electronic services for individuals).
  • And then click on the (New User Registration) button.
  • The site will ask you to enter the data required for registration.
  • Then enter the required data, including the name – the national ID number – the IBAN number…. To make sure it is entered correctly.
  • Then click on the (Save Request) button.
  • Knowing that you have to wait until an SMS is sent to your mobile number informing you of the acceptance or rejection of the authorities responsible for the request to benefit from social security.

Has social security been increased in Saudi Arabia 1442

The Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development has determined the amounts of social assistance for the new social security as follows:

  • A Saudi family consisting of one person will receive a financial aid of 1,000 Saudi riyals.
  • A Saudi family consisting of two people will receive financial aid of 1285 Saudi riyals.
  • The Saudi family of three will receive financial assistance of 1570 Saudi riyals.
  • The Saudi family of four will receive financial assistance of 1855 Saudi riyals.
  • The Saudi family, consisting of five members, will receive financial assistance of 2,140 Saudi riyals.
  • The Saudi family of six will receive financial assistance of 2,420 Saudi riyals.
  • The Saudi family of seven will receive financial assistance of 2,710 Saudi riyals.
  • A Saudi family of eight will receive financial assistance of 3,000 Saudi riyals.
  • The Saudi family, consisting of nine members, will receive financial assistance of 3,280 Saudi riyals.
  • The Saudi family of ten members will receive financial assistance of 3,560 Saudi riyals.
  • A Saudi family consisting of eleven members will receive financial assistance of 3,840 Saudi riyals.
  • The Saudi family, consisting of twelve members, will receive financial assistance of 4,130 Saudi riyals.
  • The Saudi family, consisting of thirteen members, will receive financial assistance of 4,410 Saudi riyals.
  • The Saudi family of fourteen will receive financial aid of 4,700 Saudi riyals.
  • A Saudi family consisting of fifteen members will receive financial assistance of 5,000 Saudi riyals.

The old social security system

The old social security system specified the conditions for individuals to benefit from it, which is that they are Saudi citizens with permanent residence in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, in addition to

Widows, orphans, the elderly, those unable to work, families without a breadwinner, abandoned by their husbands, those who lost their husbands by death or absence, foreign women married to a Saudi citizen or a Saudi widow who has children from them, as well as the children of a Saudi widow married to a foreign man

Also benefiting from social security services are those who suffer from any disability that prevents them from working, widows orphans who do not have documents to prove their Saudi nationality and have transportation cards, according to the conditions of the Saudi Social Security Regulations.

The disbursement of social security assistance is for males over the age of eighteen years in the event that he is still enrolled in all stages of education, or he is not enrolled in education, so that financial aid continues to be disbursed until the end of the school years or the male reaching the age of 26 years.

And females until they finish their education and join a job according to criteria determined by the Security Regulation, or they are married.

Social security assistance is not disbursed to beneficiaries who do not support a family in the event of their permanent residence in a shelter, charitable or governmental center.

According to the social security system, the annual pension for beneficiaries has been set at 9,400 Saudi riyals, with 3,100 Saudi riyals added for each additional member of the family, provided that the value of financial aid received by the family of 8 does not exceed 31,100 Saudi riyals.

It is possible to increase the amounts of financial aid according to the proposals of the Minister of Social Development, and in the event that the beneficiary has another material income of more than half the value of the pension that he is to be disbursed, it is deducted from the value of the pension, provided that the amount of excess income does not exceed 6000 Saudi riyals. Social development not to discount in the absence of the need for it.

An application for obtaining a social security pension is obtained from one of the insurance offices, provided that the residence of the applicant is within its jurisdiction in accordance with the two documents and official data that clarify the status of the pension applicant and the extent of his eligibility to obtain it, in addition to submitting a list of data and documents and completing all data of the application for obtaining a pension .

Social Security Objectives

The importance of social security assistance is represented in the valuable social goals it seeks to achieve in Saudi society, which are:

  • Reducing the problem of poverty and helping the neediest families.
  • Raising the standard of living and providing a decent life for needy families.
  • Attempting to provide all social, economic and medical services to Saudi citizens.
  • Reducing the problem of lack of security associated with the financial income of the individual.
  • Contribute to maintaining the continuity of the individual’s financial income, especially in cases of disability or old age, in a way that helps provide all the person’s needs such as treatment, food, drink, which contributes to maintaining economic security.
  • Helping to find a source of income for individuals even after they retire from work, which maintains their purchasing power and helps increase the percentage of commercial activity and reduce the rate of economic stagnation
  • Working to provide the financial assistance needed by the neediest individuals, as social security services are seen as a legal right for citizens.
  • Ensure that there is no discrimination between members of society, whether racial discrimination based on gender, affiliation or color.
  • Promote the concept of economic sustainability.
  • Raising efficiency rates.
  • Work to strengthen the concept of solidarity and cooperation among members of the Saudi society.

The most important decisions of the new Social Security 1442

The Saudi Council of Ministers, in its session held last Tuesday, approved the draft of the new social security system for a period of two full years, in order for the decision to be implemented within a maximum period of 120 days, after providing all the necessary time plans to implement the decisions of the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development. Those decisions are:

  • The ministry started receiving applications to benefit from the new social security gradually.
  • Ensure that the financial, economic and social conditions are taken into consideration through the field permitting process that will be carried out by the General Authority for Statistics in the coming period.
  • The beneficiary obtains social security assistance after obtaining all the information and data recorded in government agencies or the private sector in order to be able to achieve the value of the individual’s monthly financial entitlement.
  • The Saudi government has set the amount of the new social security pension for the first beneficiary of the program at 9,400 Saudi riyals, provided that this amount will be increased by 3,100 Saudi riyals for each new member added to the family in the program, so that the financial amount received by a single family of 8 members does not exceed About 31,100 Saudi riyals per month.
  • The amount may be increased by the Saudi Council of Ministers in accordance with the proposal submitted by the Minister of Human Resources in accordance with the Executive Regulations.
  • However, up to the present time, the increase in social security amounts has not yet been announced by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development in Saudi Arabia, so that the current amounts remain fixed until further notice.
  • The Saudi government has approved the continuity of disbursing financial aid to its beneficiaries without any change, to social security beneficiaries in various parts of the Kingdom.
  • The Saudi government also denied the existence of any rumors or news related to stopping the disbursement of social security aid, especially the cut aid, which will be announced soon about the date of its deposit in the bank accounts of its beneficiaries.

So that we have shown you all the details about the most important decisions of the new Social Security 1442, the conditions for registration in the new social security, the new social security salary, the executive regulations for the new social security in addition to the presentation of the old security system and for more follow-up contact us in the information store.