Learn about the procedures and conditions for transferring the sponsorship of a private driver in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In order to implement the principles of its comprehensive vision of development, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has implemented electronic digital transformation in the performance of government services instead of paper-based transactions that require the performance of a lot of effort and a long time.

The application of electronic services in the service of transferring the sponsorship of a private driver from his current sponsor to a new sponsor came for many reasons, as the profession of a private driver in Saudi law falls under the item of domestic labor, so many may look for a way to transfer a driver’s sponsorship from one sponsor to another sponsor or from an individual to institution whether it is with the consent of the current sponsor or not.

The procedures for transferring a private driver’s sponsorship and the conditions to be met, the financial fees for transferring a private driver’s sponsorship, require a focus in the performance of the service by both parties to the sponsorship transfer process.

Therefore, we will review with you in the following article everything related to the transfer of a private driver’s warranty, so follow us in the following lines from the information store website.

Transferring a private driver’s warranty

The profession of a private driver is one of the professions most occupied by many residents in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, according to the Saudi Labor Office, which classifies it under the category of domestic workers, so you find that many citizens or expatriates are wondering how to transfer the sponsorship of a private driver.

Therefore, the Ministry of Labor and Social Development in Saudi Arabia made it possible to transfer the sponsorship of a private driver, which enables the sponsor to transfer the sponsorship of his private driver to another sponsor, or for the expatriate driver to transfer his sponsorship to another sponsor according to a number of procedures and conditions set by the Ministry of Passports in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Below we show you how to transfer the sponsorship of a private driver, whether through the website of the Ministry of Labor or through the Absher platform for electronic services.

Steps to transfer the sponsorship of a private driver through the Absher platform

The procedures for transferring the sponsorship of the private driver can be completed through the Absher platform for electronic services by following the following steps:

  • Entering the website of the Absher platform on the Internet, which you can access directly by clicking on this link (the Absher platform).
  • From the main page, click on the “Absher Services for Individuals” tab, which is in green.
  • Log in to the user account on the Absher platform by entering the user name, password, and the visual verification code.
  • Then press the (Login) button.
  • From the list of platform services, click on the (Passports) tab.
  • From the passport services, choose the service (Transfer of Services).
  • The website will take you electronically to the page of all those working as drivers with the current sponsor.
  • The name of the private driver that the sponsor wishes to transfer his sponsorship is specified.
  • The site will be moved to a new page where the data of the private driver whose sponsorship will be transferred is entered.
  • Then the sponsor fills in the data of the driver whose sponsorship is to be transferred, then press the (Next) button.
  • Then go to the page to fill in the details of the sponsor or the employer.
  • Then press the (Send) button.
  • During this, an SMS will be sent to the sponsor’s mobile phone number containing the confirmation code.
  • Enter the confirmation code in the specified position, and press Confirm.
  • In order for the site to show you a short message informing you of the success of the process of transferring the sponsorship of the private driver through the Absher electronic services platform.

Steps to complete the procedures for transferring driver’s sponsorship

The new sponsor to whom the sponsorship of the private driver will be transferred must accept the request to transfer the sponsorship within a maximum period of 15 days, in order to be able to complete the remaining procedures for transferring the sponsorship as follows:

  • After making sure that all the steps for transferring the guarantee are available, the private driver will have to bring a warranty transfer form with his picture on it, fill out all the data in it correctly, and obtain the signatures of both the current (old) sponsor and the new sponsor.
  • After that, the old sponsor gives the driver a letter about the sponsorship, to be signed by the police and the mayor.
  • Then the new sponsor gives the private driver a letter containing the numbers of workers under his sponsorship.
  • The private driver brings a paper original and a copy of his passport and residence document, along with all the passports that he has extracted since his arrival in the Kingdom.
  • For the new sponsor to fill out the pledge form, bring a paper original and a copy of the commercial register or a valid municipal license.
  • After the approval of the sponsorship transfer request, the financial fees set for transferring the sponsorship of a private driver are paid.

Accepting the transfer of a private driver’s sponsorship

After the new sponsor completes the pledge form to transfer the sponsorship, the old sponsor will have to complete the procedures for transferring the sponsorship by agreeing to transfer the sponsorship of the private driver to the new sponsor as follows.

  • Entering the official website of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development, which can be accessed directly by clicking on this link (Saudi Ministry of Labor).
  • User login to the site by entering the user name, password, visual verification code.
  • Then click on login.
  • The current sponsor chooses the name of his facility and then presses the (Start) button.
  • To show him the Labor Services Department, from which he chooses (domestic labor sponsorship transfer service).
  • To show the current sponsor a list of the incoming requests that contain requests for transferring the sponsorship of expatriate workers.
  • Click on the name of the private driver whose sponsorship will be transferred, and the details of the new sponsor will appear next to it.
  • Then press the (OK) button.
  • A short message will appear in front of you to confirm the approval of the request, press the (Approval) button.
  • In the meantime, an SMS will be sent to the sponsor’s mobile phone number containing the confirmation code.
  • The confirmation code is entered in the specified position, and press Confirm.
  • In order for the website to show you a short message informing you of the success of the process of transferring the private driver’s sponsorship through the website of the Ministry of Labor.

Steps to transfer the sponsorship of a private driver through the Ministry of Labor

The steps for transferring the sponsorship of a private driver can be completed through simple electronic steps through the website of the Ministry of Labor by following the following steps:

  • Entering the official website of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development, which can be accessed directly by clicking on this link (Saudi Ministry of Labor).
  • User login to the site by entering the user name, password, visual verification code.
  • Then click on login.
  • From the main menu of the site, go to the (electronic services) menu.
  • Then choose a service (Request to Transfer Sponsorship).
  • To register a request to transfer sponsorship in the name of the private driver and his residence number.
  • The site will show you all the data about the private driver and the new sponsor.
  • The button (Edit a pledge institute) is pressed, through which the current sponsor undertakes to agree to transfer the sponsorship of the private driver to the new sponsor.
  • After completing the approval, the Submit button will be pressed.
  • Meanwhile, the new sponsor is waiting to accept the transfer request from the old sponsor.
  • The old sponsor enters the Ministry of Labor website and determines the name of the institution from which the private driver will be transferred.
  • Then click on (Incoming field), and the site will display the data of the sponsorship transfer request.
  • Finally, the (Agree) button is pressed.

Transferring the sponsorship of a private driver under the sponsorship of an institution through Absher

  • Entering the website of the Absher platform on the Internet, which you can access directly by clicking on this link (the Absher platform).
  • From the main page, click on the “Absher Services for Individuals” tab, which is in green.
  • Log in to the user account on the Absher platform by entering the user name, password, and the visual verification code.
  • Then press the (Login) button.
  • From the list of platform services, click on the (Passports) tab.
  • From the passport services, choose the service (Transfer of Services).
  • The website will take you electronically to the page of all those working as drivers with the current sponsor.
  • The sponsor selects the name of the worker whose sponsorship is to be transferred, and then presses the (Next) button.
  • The site will be moved to a new page, through which the data of the private driver whose sponsorship will be transferred is entered.
  • Then the sponsor fills in the data of the driver whose sponsorship is to be transferred, then press the (Next) button.
  • Then go to the page to fill in the details of the sponsor or the employer.
  • Then press the (Send) button.
  • During this, an SMS will be sent to the sponsor’s mobile phone number containing the confirmation code.
  • Enter the confirmation code in the specified position, and press Confirm.
  • In order for the site to show you a short message informing you that the process of transferring the sponsorship of the private driver to an organization has been successful.

Conditions for transferring a private driver’s sponsorship with the sponsor’s approval

The Saudi Passports Department sets a number of conditions that must be met so that the sponsorship of a private driver can be transferred from the current sponsor to a new sponsor, as follows:

  • That the private driver obtains the approval of the current sponsor, the approval of the new sponsor in addition to the approval of the driver himself.
  • The private driver obtains the approval of the Saudi Labor Office to transfer the sponsorship.
  • The driver has been working for the old sponsor for at least one year.
  • The new sponsor to whom the sponsorship will be transferred should have good reputation and conduct, and not be accustomed to late payment of salaries to the workers.

Conditions for transferring a private driver’s sponsorship without the sponsor’s approval

The Passport Department in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia allows the private driver to transfer his sponsorship from the current sponsor to a new sponsor without obtaining the approval of the current sponsor in the following cases:

  • That the current sponsor does not pay the monthly salary to the private driver for a period of three consecutive months without giving convincing reasons.
  • That the sponsor has not renewed the residence document of the expatriate worker within a period exceeding one full month after the expiry date of the residence document.
  • The sponsor who brought the driver to work in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia must be in the red zone of the Nitaqat program.
  • That the current sponsor submits a malicious report that the private driver is absent from work, with the private driver submitting a proof that the sponsor’s report is false.

Private driver sponsorship transfer fee

The financial fees prescribed by the Saudi Passports Department to transfer the sponsorship of a private driver vary each time as follows:

  • Financial fees for transferring a private driver’s sponsorship for the first time…. 2000 Saudi riyals.
  • Financial fees for transferring the sponsorship of a private driver for the second time. 4000 Saudi riyals.
  • Financial fees for transferring a private driver’s sponsorship for the first time…. 6000 Saudi riyals.
  • In the event that the private driver transfers his sponsorship to an institution, in this case he will also change his profession to another profession, and in this case the financial fees for changing the profession are 1,000 Saudi riyals in addition to the fees for transferring the sponsorship.

Sample letter for transferring private driver sponsorship

Private Driver Sponsorship Transfer Letter Sample:

Honorable Director, Director of the Office of the General Administration of Saudi Passports in the region of …..

Peace, mercy and blessings of God be upon you. In reference to you, the letter of the company (………………..) regarding the transfer of sponsorship

The name /……………

Nationality /…………………..

Residence number /…………… issued from abroad, we would like to inform you that we have no objection to transferring the sponsorship of the said worker, Mr. /………………..

Provided that he informs us with a copy of the statement on the transfer of sponsorship upon completion of it.

Please accept with the utmost respect

Peace, mercy and blessings of God.

A sponsorship transfer form can be obtained in PDF format by clicking on this link (Payment Transfer Form).

Private driver sponsorship transfer link

You can carry out the service of transferring the sponsorship of a private driver from the current sponsor to a new sponsor by clicking on one of the following two links:

Absher e-services platform link

  • By entering the website of the Absher platform on the Internet, which you can access directly by clicking on this link (the Absher platform).

Saudi Ministry of Labor website link

  • By entering the official website of the Ministry of Labor and Social Development, which can be accessed directly by clicking on this link (Saudi Ministry of Labor).

So that we have provided you with a full explanation of all procedures for transferring the sponsorship of a private driver in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and for more services, contact us on the information store website.