Many Saudi citizens are wondering when the registration for the citizen’s account will open in 2021, after many faced a problem recently in registering their applications to participate in the citizen’s account. To provide a helping hand to medium and poor Saudi families and the most needy groups, by disbursing financial payments due to the beneficiaries of the Citizen Account Program support on the tenth day of each Gregorian month.

This program came to protect Saudi families from the negative economic effects that some of them have suffered as a result of the ongoing economic reforms process in the Kingdom in light of the comprehensive development vision 2030, in order to provide decent livelihoods for Saudi families and reduce the burdens of living for middle and limited income groups.

To find out the official response to the “citizen’s account” account on the global tweets site “Twitter” about when the registration for the citizen’s account will be opened again, follow us in the following lines from the information store website.

When does the registration open for the citizen account?

The official electronic account of the citizen’s account on the global tweets site “Twitter” answered the questions of many citizens about when the registration in the citizen’s account will be opened again, after the temporary suspension of accepting new registration applications.

Where the service of beneficiaries in the program stated that registration in the Citizen Account Program has been temporarily suspended, due to the amendments that are being made to the program support controls, and it has not yet been determined when new applications for registration will be resumed with the support of the citizen account.

With an explanation that registration was available for citizens from the start of the citizen’s account in December 2017, until the 28th batch of the previous month of March 2020, for all families covered by the support, and their eligibility and entitlement to financial support from the citizen’s account were verified.

Citizen Account Program in Saudi Arabia

The Hisba Citizen Program is one of the Saudi social initiatives launched by the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Development in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in 2017, which aims to provide financial assistance and a helping hand to medium and poor Saudi families and the most needy groups, through the disbursement of financial payments due to beneficiaries of the Hesba program support Citizen on the tenth day of every Gregorian month.

This program came to protect Saudi families from the negative economic effects that some of them have suffered as a result of the ongoing economic reforms process in the Kingdom in light of the comprehensive development vision 2030, in order to provide decent livelihoods for Saudi families and reduce the burdens of living for middle and limited income groups.

How to register for a citizen’s account

It is easy to register in the Citizen’s Account Program during the period in which the application window is opened to receive new eligibility requests for financial support and the eligible categories of the program, after the head of the family creates a special account on the program’s website, and submits the data required for registration with the availability of the announced eligibility conditions about it in detail.

The citizen’s account can be registered electronically by following the following steps:

  • Enter the official website of the Citizen Account Program on the Internet, which can be accessed directly by clicking on this link (Citizen Account).
  • From the main page of the program, click on the (New Registration) tab.
  • The site will take you to the page to fill in the data required for registration for the new user, as follows:
  • National Identification Number.
  • Date of birth in the Hijri calendar.
  • mobile Number.
  • Confirm the mobile phone number.
  • Enter the 4-digit visual verification code.
  • You have to read the terms of use, the undertaking, the provisions for using the program, and then click on the (Accept) button.
  • Then press the (Registration) button.
  • The software system will start validating the data you have entered.
  • If the data is correct, you will receive an SMS on your mobile phone number containing the (temporary password) to activate your new account with the citizen account.
  • The next page on the site will show you the confirmation of the registration process so that you can log in to your account in the citizen account.
  • You only need to enter:
  • The username is in the position specified for it.
  • Enter the temporary password that you received in the mobile text message.
  • Enter the 4-digit visual verification code.
  • Then press the (Login) button.
  • After the successful login process the first time, the software system will redirect the user to a page for changing the temporary password.
  • And in order to get back into the system you will have to enter:
  • The username is in the position specified for it.
  • The new password you set.
  • Enter the 4-digit visual verification code.
  • Then press the (Enter) button.
  • In order for the program to verify the validity of the information entered, it will show you the page of your account in the Saudi Citizen Account Program.

Log in to the citizen’s account

The process of logging into a citizen’s account is an important matter for following up on eligibility cases, qualification, updating beneficiaries’ data and information, adding dependents or disclosing income information, by logging into the citizen’s account through the following steps:

  • Entering the official website of the Citizen Account Program on the Internet, which can be accessed directly by clicking on this link (Citizen Account).
  • From the main page of the program, click on the “Login” tab.
  • The site will take you to the page to fill in the data required to log in, as follows:
  • Enter the user name or the national identity number in the specified place.
  • Enter the password for the account.
  • Enter the 4-digit visual verification code.
  • Then press the (Enter) button.
  • In order for the program to verify the validity of the information entered, it will show you the page of your account in the Saudi Citizen Account Program.

Update the income data in the citizen’s account

Updating the citizen’s account data is one of the important matters that the program performs, in order to be aware of any changes in the income data of citizens eligible for support. The income data is updated as follows:

  • Entering the official website of the Citizen Account Program on the Internet, which can be accessed directly by clicking on this link (Citizen Account).
  • From the main page of the program, click on the “Login” tab.
  • The site will take you to the page to fill in the data required to log in, as follows:
  • Enter the user name or the national identity number in the specified place.
  • Enter the password for the account.
  • Enter the 4-digit visual verification code.
  • Then press the (Enter) button.
  • In order for the program to verify the validity of the information entered, it will show you the page of your account in the Saudi Citizen Account Program.
  • Click on the (Order Details) button.
  • Then start modifying the citizen’s data to access the income information.
  • Click on the (Actions) button.
  • From there, click on the (Modify Income) button.
  • To enter all the income data that needs to be modified.
  • Then press the (Save) button.
  • For the site system to study and verify the updated data and study the extent of eligibility again, and if the eligibility and eligibility conditions match, the support will include the beneficiary again.

Conditions for registering for a citizen’s account

The Citizen Account Program has set a number of eligibility conditions and acceptance criteria through which the inclusion of financial support for a citizen’s account is approved for Saudi citizens, which have been identified as follows:

  • The applicant to benefit from the account support must be a Saudi national, that is, a Saudi of origin and origin.
  • It is required that the applicant has been within the territory of the Kingdom for more than three months during the entire past year.
  • It is required that the applicant be the son of a non-Saudi husband or a non-Saudi wife in order to be able to register in the citizen’s account.
  • It is required that the applicant is not imprisoned or present in one of the governmental shelters in the Kingdom.
  • The applicant must have a monthly financial income of less than 2000 Saudi riyals.
  • The applicant must be over eighteen years old at the time of registration in the citizen’s account.
  • The applicant is required to submit the documents and official papers required for registration.

One of the most important eligibility conditions in the citizen’s account is dividing the beneficiaries of the program’s financial support into five segments as follows:

  • First category: Persons with monthly financial salaries from zero to 8699 Saudi riyals.
  • The second category: Persons with monthly financial salaries from 8,700 Saudi riyals to 11,999 Saudi riyals.
  • The third category: Persons with monthly financial salaries from 12,000 Saudi riyals to 15,299 Saudi riyals.
  • Fourth Category: Persons with monthly financial salaries from 15,300 riyals to 20159 riyals.
  • Fifth category: “This category includes individuals who do not deserve support.” Persons with monthly financial salaries above 20160 Saudi riyals.

Citizen account registration requirements

The Citizen Account Program has set a number of eligibility requirements and acceptance criteria through which they are met. The inclusion of financial support for a citizen’s account for Saudi citizens is approved, which were identified as follows

  • Business information about the citizen.
  • Monthly financial salary information for family members.
  • Additional income information from Kingdom benefits.
  • Disclosure of the wife’s financial income, if any.
  • The bank account number (IBAN number), with the need to have a current and active bank account.
  • Availability of the National Status Card for unemployed individuals, public sector employees, and private sector employees.
  • The monthly financial salary should not exceed twenty thousand Saudi riyals.

What does the expiry of the registration period for a citizen’s account mean?

  • Many Saudi citizens registered in the Citizen Account Program received a message stating that the registration period for the citizen’s account had expired, which prompted many of them to question the meaning of this message and what it refers to, as follows:
  • This message means that the process of receiving any new applications for registration for applicants to obtain support for the Citizen Account Program has been suspended, after the date of disbursing the financial payments to those entitled to the twenty-eighth round number of March 2020, and this decision includes those who applied before this date but did not By completing the registration requests and procedures, that is, the Citizen Account Program system was unable to study its eligibility and the conditions for its acceptance in the program, but the process of adding beneficiaries who are currently actual beneficiaries is excluded from this decision.
  • The Citizen Account Program has set a number of comprehensive new standards for independent individuals, with the suspension of the registration process in the Citizen Account for new beneficiaries, in addition to setting the upper limit for financial entitlement from the program.
  • The Citizen’s Account Program has recommended that all citizens benefiting from support through the system should update their income data in the event that any allowances or financial allowances change before deducting the financial loan installment, in order to follow up on the citizen’s account system all changes related to salaries in government institutions and compare them with what the program beneficiaries have acknowledged. for themselves and their followers.

The problem of the expiry of the registration period in the citizen’s account

  • Saudi citizens found that the process of receiving any new applications for registration for applicants to obtain support for the Citizen Account Program has been suspended, after the date of disbursing the financial payments to those entitled to the twenty-eighth round number of March 2020, which is an important matter that everyone must know the reasons that led to its occurrence.
  • The Citizen Account Program set a number of new comprehensive criteria for the independent individual, with the suspension of the registration process in the Citizen Account for new beneficiaries, in addition to setting the upper limit for financial entitlement from the program.
  • Those whose registration has been suspended are those individuals who did not complete their registration requests and procedures, meaning that the Citizen Account Program system was unable to study their eligibility and the conditions for their acceptance into the program, but the process of adding beneficiaries who are currently actual beneficiaries is excluded from this decision.

Solve the problem of the expiry of the registration period in the citizen’s account

We cannot determine a solution to the problem of the expiration of the registration period in the Saudi citizen’s account until after the announcement of the start of the registration and receiving new applications again, and in order for citizens not to be surprised by this problem, they must update the program data, and clarify their income data in the citizen’s account Completing the process of adding dependents to complete the registration procedures completely, so that the system can examine the applications submitted by citizens for eligibility and eligibility in the Citizen Account Program.

Citizen account registration link

By entering the official website of the Citizen Account Program on the Internet, which can be accessed directly by clicking on this link (Citizen Account), you can easily register citizens and update their data on the system. Citizen account and submit objections with ease.

We have provided you with an answer to the question when will the registration in the citizen account open, so that we will know with you in detail all the conditions and requirements for registering in the citizen account program, and for more developments, follow us on the information store website.